There are many knots available for braided fishing line to a leader line such as fluorocarbon line or monofilament line. However, it is most important for the angler to choose a knot that they feel most confident tying with most efficiency and consistency. When you have to re-tie during a fishing trip on a hot bite, hands get shaky as adrenaline is rushing through your body. However, you need to get yourself back in action as quickly as possible. One of the most simple and reliable knots that Odyssey recommends is the RP knot also known as the Royal Polaris knot. Refer to the diagram below from our friends at on how to tie the RP knot.
There are many other knots such as the uni uni knot which is just as good. Again when it comes to knot selection, it is most important to choose one that you can tie with the most consistency and make sure it cinches down nicely. If the knot looks crumpled or feels loose, cut and re-tie! Save yourself the heartbreak of losing the trophy of a lifetime from a bad knot as you wind in your line to visualize a twisty big tail at the end of it.