The January air is feeling crispy as the mountains are topped with snow. However there are plenty of wonderful fishing to be had if you’re on the search! This article will present multiple fisheries that you can enjoy in the winter in Southern California.

Freshwater Options
Rainbow Trout
As the water temperature cools down, the DFG (Department of Fish and Game) plants rainbow trout across multiple local lakes for local fisherman to enjoy. Rainbow trout thrive in water temperatures of 44 to 67 degrees hence they are usually planted or stocked around the cooler times of the year. There are also several private lakes that stock rainbow trout for fisherman to enjoy after paying the price of admission as well.
Check out the links below for DFG fish planting schedule near you:
Local Lakes (Los Angeles County)
Private Lakes (Admission Fees Charged)
If you’re interested in learning more about how to catch rainbow trout click on the following link for a tutorial on catching this beautiful and tasty species of fish.

Saltwater Options
Sandbass and Rockfishing
Despite the cooling weather there are still plenty of fishes to be caught in the salt. This is probably the best time of the year for beginners to get into the sport-fishing as there are less crowds on the boat allowing the crew to be more attentive to their needs. Various open party boats such as the Victory out of Berth 55 Long Beach Sport-fishing are offering trips at affordable prices targeting sand bass while other 1 ⁄ 2 and 3 ⁄ 4 day boats across Southern California are targeting tasty rockfish. If you’re interested in tackle tips and learning how to catch these species, click on the following link.
These trips are offered by many different boats across many landings. Check out the links below and see what trips may interest you.
Morro Bay/Santa Barbara County
- Links TBD
Oxnard/Ventura County
Los Angeles Area
Orange County
San Diego County

Sand Dabs
Sand dabs are also a wonderful species that are targeted this time of year. The unique thing about sand dab fishing is that there are no regulatory limits imposed on catching these fish. Thus anglers are allowed to bring aboard a 5 gallon bucket and fill the bucket up with as many fish as they possibly can catch. Anglers are also allowed to rig a fishing set up with multiple hooks and a heavy weight to maximize their fish count. Although sand dabs may not be the greatest fighters, they offer a lot of excitement for beginners while also being delicious table fare. Check out the list of landings below that offer sand dab fishing during this time of year! Click on the following link if you want to learn more about sand dab fishing.
Oxnard/Ventura County